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SK Sigma Olomouc B - Sparta Prague B live

Sparta Prague B - SK Sigma Olomouc B in live - 28 May 2023

28 May 2023 - 10:00 

- Day 30

Czech Republic - FNL

Sparta Prague B SK Sigma Olomouc B
Sparta Prague B
Sparta Prague B
0  :  2
SK Sigma Olomouc B
SK Sigma Olomouc B
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Sparta Prague B
Sparta Prague B
SK Sigma Olomouc B
SK Sigma Olomouc B
End of match
M. Mikulenka
88' drop icon
J. Fiala
52' drop icon

Game Statistics

Sparta Prague B
SK Sigma Olomouc B



Teams Pts P W D L GD
SK Sigma Olomouc B
SK Sigma Olomouc B
39 30 10 9 11 -5
Sparta Prague B
Sparta Prague B
39 30 11 6 13 -7

Last matches

Sparta Prague B
Sparta Prague B Last matches

1/4 (25%)


2/4 (50%)


1/4 (25%)

Average stats (Last 6 matchs)

Total goals
Goals scored
Goals conceded
Over 2.5
Under 2.5

24 May 2023 - FNL

1. FK Pribram
1 :  0
Sparta Prague B

18 May 2023 - FNL

Sparta Prague B
1 :  1
Dukla Prague

13 May 2023 - FNL

FK Fotbal Trinec
2 :  2
Sparta Prague B

8 May 2023 - FNL

Sparta Prague B
2 :  0
FK Varnsdorf
SK Sigma Olomouc B
SK Sigma Olomouc B Last matches

1/4 (25%)


1/4 (25%)


2/4 (50%)

Average stats (Last 6 matchs)

Total goals
Goals scored
Goals conceded
Over 2.5
Under 2.5

24 May 2023 - FNL

SK Sigma Olomouc B
0 :  3
Mas Taborsko

20 May 2023 - FNL

MFk Vyskov
2 :  0
SK Sigma Olomouc B

14 May 2023 - FNL

SK Sigma Olomouc B
2 :  2
MFK Chrudim

6 May 2023 - FNL

Graffin Vlasim
1 :  4
SK Sigma Olomouc B
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Live Commentary


Both teams didn't score on their last match.


Both teams lost their last match.


SK Sigma Olomouc B has streak of 2 matches with 0 scored goals.


Sparta Prague B scores 1.47 goals when playing at home and SK Sigma Olomouc B scores 1.42 goals when playing away (on average).


Both teams haven't won their last match in FNL.


Average number of goals in the first half in meetings between Sparta Prague B and SK Sigma Olomouc B is 1.6.


Average number of goals in meetings between Sparta Prague B and SK Sigma Olomouc B is 2.2.


Sparta Prague B scores 0.8 goals in a match against SK Sigma Olomouc B and SK Sigma Olomouc B scores 1.4 goals against Sparta Prague B (on average).


Sparta Prague B have won just 0 of their last 5 FNL games against SK Sigma Olomouc B.


SK Sigma Olomouc B have lost just 0 of their last 5 FNL games against Sparta Prague B.


In the last 5 meetings Sparta Prague B won 0, SK Sigma Olomouc B won 2, 3 draws.


SK Sigma Olomouc B have lost just 0 of their last 5 games against Sparta Prague B (in all competitions).


Sparta Prague B's performance of the last 5 matches is better than SK Sigma Olomouc B's.


In FNL, Sparta Prague B has better performance than SK Sigma Olomouc B.


When SK Sigma Olomouc B is down 1-0 away, they win 16% of their matches.


When Sparta Prague B is down 0-1 home, they win 40% of their matches.


When SK Sigma Olomouc B leads 0-1 away, they win in 66% of their matches.


When Sparta Prague B leads 1-0 at home, they win in 60% of their matches.


On their last meeting SK Sigma Olomouc B won by 1 goals.


The winner of their last meeting was SK Sigma Olomouc B.


Sparta Prague B wins 36% of halftimes, SK Sigma Olomouc B wins 38%.


Sparta Prague B wins 1st half in 36% of their matches, SK Sigma Olomouc B in 38% of their matches.


Sparta Prague B have scored at least one goal for 9 consecutive matches.


Tomas Schanelec is Sparta Prague B's top scorer with 8 goals. Patrik Slamena has scored 6 times for SK Sigma Olomouc B.


SK Sigma Olomouc B haven't scored in 7 of their 14 away matches in FNL this season.


Sparta Prague B haven't scored in 4 of their 14 home matches in FNL this season.


Sparta Prague B haven't lost in any of their last 7 home matches.


Sparta Prague B haven't lost in their last 8 games.


Did you know that SK Sigma Olomouc B scores 23% of their goals between the minutes 31-45?


Did you know that Sparta Prague B scores 25% of their goals between the minutes 76-90?


During the last 8 meetings, Sparta Prague B have won 0 times, there have been 5 draws while SK Sigma Olomouc B have won 3 times. The goal difference is 10-5 in favour of SK Sigma Olomouc B.


The most common result of matches between Sparta Prague B and SK Sigma Olomouc B is 1-1. 3 matches have ended with this result.

Score and result Sparta Prague B - SK Sigma Olomouc B

The Sparta Prague B - SK Sigma Olomouc B (Football - FNL) match in 5/28/23 10:00 is now complete.

The Sparta Prague B - SK Sigma Olomouc B result is as follows: 0-2

Now that this Football (FNL) match is over and the score is known, you can find the highlights and key statistics on that same page.

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