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Odds converter

Convert the bookmakers' odds into decimal format, American format or fractions (fractional odds) and determine the expected profit from your bet based on your stake.

Sports betting odds converter: optimise your bets!

Would you like to convert the odds on a sports betting site to another format? Perhaps you’d like to better understand American odds and fractional odds?

Do you want to know the potential profit of your bet before you place it, or the probability of it winning? Then the SportyTrader odds converter is for you!

100% free and powerful, our odds converter enables you to better understand the values offered by bookmakers and allows you to optimise your bets.

How do you convert the odds of your sports bet with our tool?

It couldn't be easier to convert the odds of your sports bets using our tool.

In the field of your choice (decimal odds, fractional odds or American odds), enter your odds and instantly see them converted into the other formats.

By changing the bet amount in the bet field, you can also find out the implied probability of the bet (see here for explanations), the potential win and the expected profit.

The odds converter is a fun and very easy-to-use tool, which helps both novice and experienced punters to better manage their bets. Odds deserve to be understood and knowledge is power.

What are the different odds formats in sports betting?

Our odds converter enables you to convert the sports betting sites' offer into three formats: the decimal format, the fractional format (also known as fractional odds), and the American format.

What are these odds formats? How do they work? Keep reading to find out more.

Decimal call numbers

The decimal rating is undoubtedly the most widely used in Europe. If you've ever been to a sports betting site, you'll already be familiar with it.

Decimal odds are expressed in figures with points, ranging from 1.01 to odds of up to 5000.00.

The smaller the odds and the closer they are to 1.00, the greater the chances of the bet winning. Conversely, the further away the odds are from 1.00, the less likely it is that the bet will win.

To find out the potential payout of a bet using decimal odds, simply multiply them by the stake involved.

Calculating potential winnings with decimal odds

For a bet of €10 at odds of 1.80, here is the potential payout: 

  • 10 (stake) x 1.80 (odds) = 18 (potential gross win)

In the event of a winning bet on odds of 1.80 with a stake of €10, the punter can therefore expect to gain a gross return of €18.

The further away from 1.00 the decimal odds are, the greater the potential winnings on a bet. For example, odds of 5.00: 10 (stake) x 5.00 (odds) = €50 in potential returns!

Fractional odds

Fractional odds are an odds format that is used mainly in the UK.

As the name suggests, fractional odds are expressed as a fraction, with the potential win of the bet in the numerator (top number), and the stake in the denominator (bottom number). You do not physically have to stake the denominator when you place a bet at fractional odds, you can stake what you want, but it makes the calculation easier to explain. 

For example, odds of 1/1 mean that for every €1 bet, €1 of profit will be made. Similarly, odds of 2/1 mean that for every £1 wagered, the profit will be £2 if the bet wins.

The greater the difference between the numerator and denominator of fractional odds, the greater the potential profit on the bet. To determine the potential profit on a bet based on fractional odds, simply multiply the numerator by the stake.

With fractional odds, you skip the winnings stage and immediately determine the profit (see the difference here).

Importantly, when the numerator (top number) is smaller than the denominator (bottom number), this means that the initial stake is higher than the potential payout (equivalent to decimal odds of less than 2.00). The calculation is then different (see below).

Calculating potential profit with fractional odds

When the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator: for a bet of €10 on fractional odds of 1/1, here's what you get: 

  • 10 (bet) x 1 (numerator of the fraction) = 10 (potential profit).

So if you bet €10 on odds of 1/1, you can expect to win €10 if your bet wins.

When the numerator is less than the denominator: for a bet of €10 on fractional odds of 4/5 now, here's what you can get: 

  • 10 (stake) / 5 (denominator) = 2; then 2 x 4 (numerator) = 8 (potential profit).

You can therefore expect to win €8 net with a stake of €10 on odds of 4/5.

When the top number of the fraction is smaller than the bottom number, you must first divide the stake by the denominator (bottom number), then multiply the result by the stake.

By using our odds converter, you can save yourself these laborious calculations!

American odds

American odds are the third major odds format in online sports betting today. It is mainly used in North America, and primarily in the United States.

American odds are expressed in a numerical format and can be negative (e.g. -200) or positive (e.g. +100). 

When the number is positive, it expresses the amount you can win for a bet of $100. If the odds are +100, for example, $100 can be won for a bet of $100 (equivalent to decimal odds of 2.00 in Europe).

When the figure is negative, it expresses the amount you need to bet to hope to win $100. For example, if the American odds are -200, this means that you need to bet $200 to win $100 (equivalent to odds of 1.50 in Europe).

To calculate the potential profit on a bet based on positive American odds (i.e. by deducting the stake), first divide the stake by 100, then multiply the result by the odds.

To calculate the potential profit using negative American odds, first divide 100 by the American odds (without the "-"), then multiply the result by the stake.

Calculating potential profit with American odds

For a bet of €10 on positive American odds of +100.00, here is the profit that can be obtained: 

  • 10 (stake) / 100 = 0.1; then 0.1 x 100.00 (odds) = 10 (potential profit)

If I bet €10 on American odds of +100.00, I can expect to make a profit of €10 (equivalent to European odds of 2.00).

Here's another example with negative American odds. For a €10 bet on American odds of -200, here's what you can get: 

  • 100 / 200 (odds) = 0.5; then 0.5 x 10 (stake) = 5 (potential profit)

For a €10 bet on an American odds of -200, you can therefore expect to make a €5 profit, which is equivalent to a €10 bet on European odds of 1.50.

Don't want to waste your time with these calculations, let alone risk making a mistake? Then use our odds converter straight away, which also gives you the potential winnings on a bet in quick time, including the expected net profit!

How do I convert a decimal value into a fractional value?

To convert a decimal value into a fractional value, you can use our tool to perform a calculation because doing it yourself is not always easy and can be time-consuming!

To do this manually, you need to take the decimal value, subtract one unit (1) from it and express it as a fraction. In the case of a quote of 2.00: 2 - 1 = 1/1.

A decimal value of 2.00 is therefore expressed as 1/1 in terms of a fraction.

How do I convert a fractional value into a decimal value?

To convert a fractional value into a decimal value without using our tool, do the following: add a unit (1) to the numerator of the fraction (top number), and delete the denominator.

For example, for a fractional value of 5/1: 5 + 1 = 6.

A fractional value of 5/1 is then expressed as 6.00 in decimal terms. Once again, the easiest way is to use our automatic odds converter!

How do I convert decimal odds into American odds?

Converting decimal odds into American odds requires a little calculation.

Converting decimal odds equal to or greater than 2.00

If the decimal odds you wish to convert are greater than or equal to 2.00, you must subtract one unit (1) from them and then multiply by 100.

For example, for a decimal value of 2.20: 2.20 - 1 = 1.20; then 1.20 x 100 = 120.

A decimal value of 2.20 therefore corresponds to an American value of +120.

Converting decimal odds below 2.00

If you want to convert a decimal odds value of less than 2.00 into an American odds value, you must take the odds value and subtract one unit (1) from it. Then divide 100 by the result obtained and add a "-" sign in front of the value.

For example, for decimal odds of 1.50: 1.50 - 1 = 0.5; then 100 / 0.5 = 200. So -200.

A decimal value of 1.50 is therefore expressed as -200 in American format. To save you the trouble, our automatic odds converter is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

How do I convert American odds into decimal odds?

To manually convert an American quote into a decimal, the calculation again depends on the value of the American quote. Whether it is negative or positive, the calculation is not the same.

Converting a positive American rating

To convert a positive US rating into a decimal rating, divide the US rating by 100, then add the result to 1. 

For example, for an American rating of +400: 400 / 100 = 4; then 4 + 1 = 5.

An American rating of +400 is therefore expressed as 5.00 in decimal terms.

Converting negative American odds

To convert a negative American rating into a decimal, you need to divide 100 by the negative American rating, then subtract this result from 1. It's a complicated calculation!

For example, for an American rating of -200: 100 / (-200) = -0.50; 1 - (-0.50) = 1.50.

An American rating of -200 is therefore expressed as 1.50 in decimal terms. 

As these calculation methods are rather difficult between decimal odds and American odds, we can only advise you to use our tool. You'll save precious time.

Converting fractional odds into American odds

To convert fractional odds (also known as English odds) into American odds, you can use the following calculations.

Converting fractional odds with a numerator greater than or equal to the denominator

To convert positive fractional odds, i.e. odds with a numerator greater than or equal to the denominator (e.g. 1/1; 3/1; 10/1), you divide the fraction and multiply the result by 100.

For example, for a quote of 4/1: 4 / 1 = 4; then 4 x 100 = 400.

A fractional price of 4/1 is therefore expressed as +400 in the American rating format.

Converting fractional odds with a numerator lower than the denominator

To convert a negative fractional odds (numerator less than denominator) into American odds, you need to produce the fraction division and divide -100 to this result.

For example, for odds of 1/2: 1 / 2 = 0.50; then (-100) / 0.50 = -200.

A fractional price of 1/2 is thus expressed as -200 in American format.

Converting American odds into fractional odds

To convert an American rating into a fractional price, there are two calculations. One calculation is to be used for a positive American rating (e.g. +200), and another calculation is to be used for a negative American rating (e.g. -200).

Converting a positive American rating

To convert a positive American rating into a fractional price, divide it by 100 and then express it in fractional format (the value with a denominator of 1).

For example, for an American quote of +200: 200 / 100 = 2; then 2 = 2/1.

An American quote of +200 is therefore translated into fractional format as 2/1.

Converting negative odds

To convert a negative odds figure into a fractional figure, divide -100 by the odds figure, then remove the negative signs per equation, and do the same for the two '0's in the hundreds.

For example, for a US rating of -500: (-100) / (-500) = 100 / 500 = 1/5.

American odds of -500 are therefore expressed as 1/5 in fractional odds.

Don't want to do all those complicated calculations and risk making a mistake? Use our automatic odds converter now.

It's fast, reliable and packed with information, all free of charge.

What is the difference between winning and profiting from a bet?

Thanks to our bookmaker odds conversion tool, you can not only convert each value offered by an online betting site but also determine in a second the potential win and profit of your bet. 

So, in practical terms, what is the difference between winning and profiting from a bet? It's simple really. The winnings on a bet are the gross winnings, what the bookmaker pays out if you are successful. For example, for a bet of €10 on odds of 2.00, the winnings will be €20.

The profit, on the other hand, is the winnings on the bet minus the initial stake. In a way, this is the net win on the bet and the money that is actually won in the event of a successful bet. 

For a bet of €10 on odds of 2.00, for example, the profit will be €10, since the original stake is deducted, which can’t be classed as a win given you are simply recovering your stake.

When you place sports bets, you should always focus on the profit, not the winnings. That's how you build up a solid bankroll over the long term.

What is the implied probability of the odds in sports betting?

Within our odds converter, you will find a field called Implied probability. This field exists for information purposes and shows you the probability of the bet winning according to the bookmaker's price.

For example, if you enter decimal odds of 2.00 on the tool, you will see that the implied probability of the bet winning is 50% according to the bookmaker.

How is this useful? Quite simply by helping you to decide whether or not to place a bet!

If you feel that your bet has a better chance of winning than the bookmaker thinks, don't hesitate to give it a go. The sports betting site may have missed an important piece of information about the sporting event, such as an injury or suspension.

Or do you think your bet has less chance of being successful than the bookmaker thinks? In that case, the odds are too low in your opinion, and the risk involved in your bet is probably not worth the potential gain.

This field is therefore extremely interesting, as it lets you know at a glance whether a bet is worth taking or not based on your judgement. Pretty handy!

Why convert odds offered by a bookmaker? 

SportyTrader's odds converter offers you several options.

As well as being able to convert odds from one format to another, which allows you to compare offers from different operators around the world, SportyTrader's odds converter makes your life easier by giving you the potential payout of a bet, its profit, or even the probability of it winning according to the bookmakers.

These three are extremely useful options for avid punters who place a lot of bets every day.

Are you new to sports betting? This converter is for you too!

With just one click, it allows you to determine whether your bet is worth trying, and the net winnings you could obtain if you succeed. What are you waiting for?

For even more help in your quest for the best bets, take a look at all our sports betting tools. They will all help you to be more successful at the bookmakers.

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