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Tennis Borussia Berlin - SV Lichtenberg 47 live

SV Lichtenberg 47 - Tennis Borussia Berlin in live - 12 May 2023

12 May 2023 - 13:00 

- Day 32

Germany - Regionalliga Northeast

SV Lichtenberg 47 Tennis Borussia Berlin
SV Lichtenberg 47
SV Lichtenberg 47
2  :  2
Tennis Borussia Berlin
Tennis Borussia Berlin
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SV Lichtenberg 47
SV Lichtenberg 47
Tennis Borussia Berlin
Tennis Borussia Berlin
End of match
H. Graf
90+4' drop icon
R. Soares Travassos
46' drop icon
K. Owczarek Penalty
11' drop icon
R. Soares Travassos
4' drop icon

Game Statistics

SV Lichtenberg 47
Tennis Borussia Berlin



Teams Pts P W D L GD
SV Lichtenberg 47
SV Lichtenberg 47
27 34 5 12 17 -32
Tennis Borussia Berlin
Tennis Borussia Berlin
13 34 3 4 27 -75

Last matches

SV Lichtenberg 47
SV Lichtenberg 47 Last matches

1/1 (100%)


0/1 (0%)


0/1 (0%)

Average stats (Last 6 matchs)

Total goals
Goals scored
Goals conceded
Over 2.5
Under 2.5

7 May 2023 - Regionalliga Northeast

Viktoria Berlin
2 :  4
SV Lichtenberg 47
Tennis Borussia Berlin
Tennis Borussia Berlin Last matches

0/1 (0%)


0/1 (0%)


1/1 (100%)

Average stats (Last 6 matchs)

Total goals
Goals scored
Goals conceded
Over 2.5
Under 2.5

6 May 2023 - Regionalliga Northeast

Tennis Borussia Berlin
1 :  3
FSV Luckenwalde
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Live Commentary


Did you know that SV Lichtenberg 47 scores 29% of their goals between the minutes 46-60? This is the highest percentage in the league.


SV Lichtenberg 47 scores 1.11 goals when playing at home and Tennis Borussia Berlin scores 0.83 goals when playing away (on average).


Both teams haven't won their last match in Regionalliga Northeast.


Average number of goals in meetings between SV Lichtenberg 47 and Tennis Borussia Berlin is 2.2.


SV Lichtenberg 47 scores 0.8 goals in a match against Tennis Borussia Berlin and Tennis Borussia Berlin scores 1.4 goals against SV Lichtenberg 47 (on average).


SV Lichtenberg 47 have won just 0 of their last 4 Regionalliga Northeast games against Tennis Borussia Berlin.


Tennis Borussia Berlin have lost just 0 of their last 4 Regionalliga Northeast games against SV Lichtenberg 47.


In the last 5 meetings SV Lichtenberg 47 won 1, Tennis Borussia Berlin won 3, 1 draws.


Tennis Borussia Berlin have lost just 1 of their last 5 games against SV Lichtenberg 47 (in all competitions).


SV Lichtenberg 47's performance of the last 5 matches is better than Tennis Borussia Berlin's.


In Regionalliga Northeast, SV Lichtenberg 47 has better performance than Tennis Borussia Berlin.


When Tennis Borussia Berlin is down 1-0 away, they win 0% of their matches.


When SV Lichtenberg 47 is down 0-1 home, they win 0% of their matches.


When Tennis Borussia Berlin leads 0-1 away, they win in 33% of their matches.


When SV Lichtenberg 47 leads 1-0 at home, they win in 80% of their matches.


On their last meeting Tennis Borussia Berlin won by 2 goals.


The winner of their last meeting was Tennis Borussia Berlin.


SV Lichtenberg 47 wins 10% of halftimes, Tennis Borussia Berlin wins 11%.


SV Lichtenberg 47 wins 1st half in 10% of their matches, Tennis Borussia Berlin in 11% of their matches.


Tennis Borussia Berlin have conceded a goal in each of their last 9 matches.


SV Lichtenberg 47 have conceded a goal in each of their last 7 matches.


A year ago, Tennis Borussia Berlin were number 8 in the table with 48 points. Now they are number 18 with 12 points.


Richard Ohlow has more yellow cards (8) than any other player at SV Lichtenberg 47. Tim Oschmann has collected 9 for Tennis Borussia Berlin.


Efraim Gakpeto is SV Lichtenberg 47's top scorer with 6 goals. Emincan Tekin has scored 6 times for Tennis Borussia Berlin.


Tennis Borussia Berlin's away record this season: 1-1-13.


Tennis Borussia Berlin haven't scored in 7 of their 15 away matches in Regionalliga Northeast this season.


SV Lichtenberg 47 haven't scored in 8 of their 15 home matches in Regionalliga Northeast this season.


Tennis Borussia Berlin have received 6 red cards this season. This is the highest number in Regionalliga Northeast.


When playing at home, SV Lichtenberg 47 have not lost to Tennis Borussia Berlin in their last 4 encounters.


Tennis Borussia Berlin have lost 6 matches in a row.


SV Lichtenberg 47 have played 9 home matches in a row without winning.


SV Lichtenberg 47 haven't won in their last 6 games.


Did you know that Tennis Borussia Berlin scores 23% of their goals between the minutes 46-60?


Did you know that SV Lichtenberg 47 scores 33% of their goals between the minutes 76-90? This is the highest percentage in the league.


Tennis Borussia Berlin have a losing streak of 6 matches in Regionalliga Northeast.


Last season's matches: 0-0 (SV Lichtenberg 47 at home) and 3-2 (Tennis Borussia Berlin at home).


Tennis Borussia Berlin's last away win against SV Lichtenberg 47 was in 2015.


During the last 12 meetings, SV Lichtenberg 47 have won 4 times, there have been 3 draws while Tennis Borussia Berlin have won 5 times. The goal difference is 15-11 in favour of Tennis Borussia Berlin.


During the last 5 meetings with SV Lichtenberg 47 playing at home, SV Lichtenberg 47 have won 3 times, there have been 1 draws while Tennis Borussia Berlin have won 1 times. The goal difference is 5-3 in favour of SV Lichtenberg 47.


The most common result of matches between SV Lichtenberg 47 and Tennis Borussia Berlin is 0-2. 4 matches have ended with this result.

Score and result SV Lichtenberg 47 - Tennis Borussia Berlin

The SV Lichtenberg 47 - Tennis Borussia Berlin (Football - Regionalliga Northeast) match in 5/12/23 13:00 is now complete.

The SV Lichtenberg 47 - Tennis Borussia Berlin result is as follows: 2-2

Now that this Football (Regionalliga Northeast) match is over and the score is known, you can find the highlights and key statistics on that same page.

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