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KNVB beker Matches Live Scores (Football Netherlands)

There are no matches for KNVB beker Football. Here are the matches for the past days.

KNVB Beker
Netherlands - KNVB beker

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KNVB beker Fixtures

21 Apr 12:00
NEC Nijmegen
1 0

KNVB beker Statistics

Played Matches 58
Won games at home 51.72 %
Won games away 43.1 %
Draw 5.17 %
% Home wins at half-time 44.83 %
% Away wins at half-time 24.14 %
% Draws at half-time 31.03 %
Goals 184
Average goals per game 3.17
Average home goals scored per match 1.74
Average away goals scored per match 1.43
Betting Tips
Over 2.5 goals games 56.9 %
Under 2.5 goals games 43.1 %
BTTS 48.28 %
No goals conceded 51.72 %
Total number of yellow cards 182
Average yellow cards per match 3.14
Total number of red cards 8
Average red cards per match 0.14
Key stats
Total number of corners 448
Average corners per match 7.72

KNVB Beker live: don't miss any match!

Do you want to follow all the action in a live KNVB Beker match? You are on the right page! With our "Live KNVB Beker" you can follow every single match of the Dutch Cup, from the first round to the final. Exciting matches are waiting for you. No matter which team you want to see play, you will be served on this page!

With our KNVB Beker Live, there are many features at your disposal. You will be able to get information about the competition, news, but also live comments about the matches. You will also be provided with numerous statistics, both on the competition and on the individual matches. Do you want to take advantage of this right now? Just check out the matches that are waiting for you on this KNVB Beker Live page.

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What does our KNVB Beker Livescore tool offer?

Designed and produced by our top football specialists, Sportytrader's KNVB Beker Livescore helps you follow the competition in the best possible way through several tools offered to you. As you will see, all the live results are available, as well as the schedule, the real-time standings, and the statistics to remember about this cup.

Once you have selected your match, you can access a full set of information. At a glance, you will be able to see the best live odds, interesting statistics (scores, cards, changes, scorers, shots, possession, corners, etc.), team line-ups, as well as comments on important actions of the match. All in all, our KNVB Beker Live is a real plus for football fans. Don't wait any longer to enjoy it!

Why follow KNVB Beker live scores?

Whether it's to find out how your favourite team is performing, to follow the competition in the best possible way, or to thrill to a match you've bet on, our KNVB Beker Live is a must.

For punters, this page is a gold mine! By following as many KNVB Beker matches as possible live, you can gather as much knowledge as possible about the competition and what's going on in it, and then make the difference with the bookmakers. Whether it's the way the teams play, the tactics being employed,, the key players or the performances of each club, nothing should be left to chance. By following the matches live throughout the competition, you will know the trends that are emerging for the next matches. With the information you collect and the data you analyse, you'll have the most reliable bets possible, whether it's pre-match or live. Check back regularly to keep track of KNVB Beker and maximise your winnings over the long term.

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Upcoming KNVB Beker (the Netherlands - Football) matches live:

There is currently no match for this competition.

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